by Sangha Institute | May 24, 2023 | Gregory Kramer Teachings, Whole-Life Path
Photo by Courtnie Tosana on Unsplash The most condensed and traditional source for understanding samvega and pasada can be found in the (simplified, mythical?) story of the Buddha’s movement from privileged clansman to wandering ascetic. Wandering out of his...
by Sangha Institute | Apr 12, 2023 | Dependent Origination, Gregory Kramer News, Gregory Kramer Teachings, Insight Dialogue, Relational Dharma, Whole-Life Path
Gregory Kramer recently offered a talk to the Community Meditation Center located in New York City where Insight Dialogue Teacher Bart van Melik is the guiding teacher and Insight Dialogue facilitator Rachel Hammerman also teaches. Listen to it here: Gregory Kramer:...
by Jean Wu | Oct 15, 2022 | Gregory Kramer News, Video, Whole-Life Path
Gregory shared a link to a film by Giovanni Giommi. It began as a film on Insight Dialogue (ID) practice, as Giovanni joined a weeklong ID retreat, filming teachers, practitioners, actual ID practice, meditation practice interviews, and other things that had never...
by Sangha Institute | Sep 14, 2020 | Gregory Kramer News, Gregory Kramer Teachings, Whole-Life Path
A Personal Note from Gregory Kramer In early 2018, I finally returned to my desk after two years of grueling treatment for two cancers. My doctor had estimated that my multiple myeloma would recur sometime in the next two years and would most likely be terminal. ...
by Sangha Institute | Apr 16, 2020 | Gregory Kramer News, Gregory Kramer Teachings
We are all touched by death and disruption now. All of us have had to let go of plans, to find ways of being with uncertainty. Welcome to the world of one who has cancer. Cancers #1 and #2 launched me into years of pain, sequential radical procedures, and more...
by Sangha Institute | Mar 14, 2019 | Gregory Kramer Teachings, Relational Dharma, Video
(and why this matters to our living Dhamma path) The early Buddhist vision of the arahat ideal is sometimes taken to imply that individual awakening is the sole aim of the Path whereas the later Buddhist vision of the bodhisattva ideal centers on the liberation of all...